Serving Proudly for Over 40 Years
MTC Industries and Research is one of the leading industries in Israel developing and manufacturing complex subsystems. MTC provides solutions to a wide range of applications and industries through highly defined technologies. MTC's products and services are offered to various industries, aerospace, energy, food, marine, defense, etc. MTC designs develops and manufactures electro-mechanical, subsystems such as Servo Actuators, Motors & Servo Motors, Slip Rings, Gyroscopes, Canard Actuation Systems, High-Pressure Vessels, Position Sensors (RVDT, LVDT, and Resolvers), Solenoid Valves , Fuel System manifolds and Fuel Pumps. MTC is at your service to turn your specifications into products compatible with your specific requirements, while strictly complying with high-quality standards, short delivery times and competitive pricing. AS9100D / ISO 9001:2015 certified and MIL-STD compliant where necessary.
Landing Gear
Slip Rings

Whether Pneumatic or Electro-mechanical, MTC is a leading designer and manufacturer of Steering Units, AKA Canard Actuation systems (CAS) - guiding rockets, mortars or other airborne platform accurately to target The steering units technology comprise of several core competencies from electric motor manufacturing mechanical extreme GRMS design to soldering proficiencies dedicated to platform functioning under extreme environmental conditions.

A to Z, we do it all in-house. Starting the Controls Units, Servo Actuators and Servo Motors to brush torque motors, limited rotation brushless, DC brushless, Hysteresis, Asynchronous or DC Brush. For all aviation, sea and ground applications. Share with us your “Squared Eggs" specifications and let us guide you safely to shore.

MTC Renewed & Improved

BetNiriel Enterprises & Development Ltd. was established in 2003 as an entrepreneurial development company. Its purpose is to initiate and establish construction projects for the hi-tech Industry.
MTC field tested, mission proven Electro-Mechanical Sub-systems for Air, Land & Sea